
Friday, March 12, 2010

Bad Parenting And Why Supernanny Just Makes Me Feel Bad

Okay I get it Jo Frost! You and your little British co-horts across the pond are celebrating your 100th episode. Bully for you!

That means you've found 100 inept situations of parenting to exploit on television.

And I can admit to at least 90 of them.

Yes, I know you go after the extremest of parents, the ones who just can't get it together. Those Moms and Dads who didn't get the parenting memo. Oh wait, I remember, THERE WAS NO PARENTING MEMO, I DIDN'T GET IT EITHER!

What there was, was a little blob of a human put into my arms after endless hours of pushing, screaming and everyone but the UPS man checking "down there" to see how I was doing. Well Jo, let's get one thing straight about your proper little show and how it holds up in the real world..

Time outs just don't work.

Neither does trying to reason.

How about my favorite, the behavior chart?

The big finale, how everyone doesn't want big Jo to leave?


No matter what you say, or how you try to reason, there is no getting through to an overexcited, overstimulated, over-everything child when they are in the middle of a tantrum.

But back to Jo!

She has a way of making us all feel like we don't know diddly squat about parenting. And worst of all, she knows how to push parents' buttons to make them blow up at her...

I say we ditch Jo and come up with a new show called Super Mom Of Yesterday!

We were all raised by a mom who yelled! Smacked us on our butts, chased us with slippers and yes, lost it on occasion.

Were they child abusers? No.

Were they effective parents? Yes.

Why? Because we knew we had to listen, there was no back talk, there was no lip service or snotty remarks.

If you did, you got punished and you rarely did the deed again.

Do we still love our Moms today?


Did they give us everything we wanted because we threw a tantrum in the store?

Hell no!

We screamed our guts up, cried until we were tired and mom dragged us outside to calm down...

And no one blinked an eye.

No one threated to call child services.

Because everyone parented the same way.

We were all equal...

Our friends had what what we had, we all hung with families that were sort of like our own...

We didn't have the GUTS to ask for toys that cost upwards of $200 because our friends had them...otherwise the slipper would be upside your head.

So I propse Super Mom of Yesteryear!

ABC take notice!

Our moms were less stressed, more relaxed and happier to be around than we are...we should take a lesson from them.

And a new pair of slippers for every birthday didn't hurt either!

1 comment:

  1. Lucille! This is great, I didn't even see this in my Twitter in box!
